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Separation Anxiety
April 21, 2015, 11:02 AM- Q: My 13 week Morkie has really bad separation anxiety. I work from home, so he is used to having me here all day. When I do have to run errands, I give him toys, food, water, and his kennel in the laundry room. He barks and whines for at least 15 minutes. When I get home he busts out of the room and whines until I pick him up. He even whines and cries when I'm not in the same room as him. What can I do?!
- A: Actually for his age whining for 15 minutes isn't too bad. So far as your leaving routine it seems okay. When you return certainly you cannot pick him upas this only reinforces his whining. You might try not letting him out until after you have been home 15-20 minutes.