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Playing with Pee Pads
July 9, 2014, 9:43 AM- Q: Puppy is totally pee pad trained outside of her crate. She seems to enjoy either carrying around the pee pads and thinks it's a game. I bought a pee pad holder but now she scratches at it and tears it and it comes out of the holder!! My concern is that if I say "no or leave it" she will start to do her business elsewhere. I read that you can shake a noisy can and say leave it. Not really sure what to do. I don't want her to become untrained.
- A: As long as your reprimand is limited to only the times she is attempting to move or tear up the pad I don't think it will affect her previous training. Using a metal can with coins in it or a small air horn or bicycle horn to be an obnoxious sound that is associated with the act can be effective in identifying the problem but you may still need to incorporate additional measures as reinforcement of your goal.